Welcome to “Serving in Joy: A Jewish Renewal Lifecyle Manual.” In these pages you will find guidance and templates to assist in creating Lifecycle moments that are both halakhically grounded and psychospiritually relevant. The documents in this manual come to us from the founder and first musmakh of the Jewish Renewal movement, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z’l and Rabbi Daniel Siegel.
(From the Instroduction by R. Brielle Paige Rassler)
These writings, this manual, is a prayer from us to You. Through it, may our souls pour this content into Your being, and may Your being flow into ours in full awareness and love. May we receive You without resistance, marveling and rejoicing to adore You in this.
(From the introduction to the first iteration of this manual by R. Boni Sussman)
It is our hope that this manual will be a first of multiple iterations, with future projects aimed at including other voices and versions of these and other sacred lifecycle rituals.
Rabbis Brielle Paige Rassler and Daniel Siegel