Rabbi Saul Baumann
Introduction and Commentaries by
Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
Reb Zalman has hoped for many years to make available this beautiful Sefer, Shaul Baumann’s Sefer Miftachay Chokhmat Ha-Emet. The project was most recently coordinated by Reb Shaya Isenberg along with Reb Victor Gross and has benefited from the involvement of many others. We all believe that it is now time to share it in this format. Not the least of the reasons is our desire to put Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s amazing commentary into your hands.
Baumann’s re-presentation of Lurianic Kabbalistic cosmogony and cosmology becomes the perfect occasion for Reb Zalman to update from his own deep understanding of contemporary scientific stories of the origins and process of the universe.
Above you will find 8 sample pages.