Are the haftarot more sacred than Torah?
Most liberal synagogues now read the Torah on a triennial cycle, yet continue to read haftarot on an annual one. This seems like an elevation of Nach to a higher level of sanctity than that of the Torah, since these sections were read annually while the Torah was read every three years.
ALEPH Canada and the Integral Halachah Institute now offer you a complete triennial cycle of haftarot in a five part file:
Part One is an introduction to the project.
Part Two is the list of haftarot following the order of the Torah portions.
Part Three is notes on why we selected certain texts as haftarot in cases where the selection process needed description.
Part Four is the texts in Hebrew and English of all the haftarot. None is longer than two pages, allowing for a single sheet printed on both sides.
Part Five is a list of all the haftarot arranged by the book of Nach from which they were taken and the sidrah to which they are assigned.
We hope that this list will encourage both the reading of the Torah and these haftarot. Please feel free to share this with others you think may be interested as well as your feedback.
Scripture text reproduced from the Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures by permission of the University of Nebraska Press. Copyright 1985 by The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia.